
Main Colors

(logged in / not logged in)
  • #222222, RGB 34,34,34
  • #007E84, RGB 0,126,132

Background colors

(disabled buttons, buttons, backgrounds)
  • #EEEEEE, RGB 238,238,238, disabled buttons
  • #FFEAFC, RGB 255,234,252, buttons and backgrounds
  • #D3FFFD, RGB 211,255,253 buttons and backgrounds

Light colors

(Passive icons, notification and button borders, metadata, time-stamps)
  • #AAAAAA, RGB 170,170,170, Passive icons
  • #FF69E8, RGB 255, 105, 232, notification/button borders, metadata
  • #00D3CA, RGB 0,211,202 notification/button borders, metadata, time-stamps

Subheader colors

(Subheaders, links, visited links, icon focus)
  • #666666, RGB 102,102,102, Subheaders
  • #9E2E8D, RGB 158,46,141, visited links
  • #007E84, RGB 0,126,132, Subheaders, links, icon focus

Title colors

(and body colors)
  • #222222, RGB 34,34,34, titles, body text, icon focus
  • #690055, RGB 105,0,85, button and notification text
  • #00444A, RGB 0,68,74 titles, body text

When using color combinations the main D-CENT color must always be the dominant one. Keep the ratio at 80-20 or better, 90-10. When ratio for any reason is closer to 50/50, (eg. voting pie chart) use a lighter version of one, and a darker of the other.

The Header

Is Always Darker Than The Subheader

Magenta combinations are only for special highlights, like visited links, rather than for general purpose content / material. Unvisited links should always be in the D-CENT color: #007E84

Instead of full black, we use a #222222 / RGB 34, 34, 34 to soften the look slightly. Otherwise, feel free to use blacks and gray-scales in any combination with the other colors. For grays, the ratio can vary from 50-50 to 80-20 (gray-color). Be wary of too much black as it can easily get too heavy. For print use straight black (0,0,0,100) and keep the ratio 50-50 or ideally 20-80 black/color.


Header font: "Comfortaa", "Helvetica", "Arial", sans-serif;

Header font strong: "Comfortaa", "Helvetica", "Arial", sans-serif;

    Link to Comfortaa font here

Body font: "Muli", sans-serif;

Body font bold: "Muli", sans-serif;

Body font italic: "Muli", sans-serif;


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